EssayWriter Review: Best for Free Essay Writing

In the ever-expanding world of digital learning resources, online essay writing tools have gained substantial traction for presenting a practical solution to students' academic writing troubles. But with numerous platforms on the rise, making a choice becomes increasingly difficult. In this article, we will provide an exhaustive examination of the free essay-writing software known as EssayWriter.

What Does EssayWriter Do?

EssayWriter has quickly collected an impressive number of reviews - although the trustworthiness of these reviews remains contentious due to the unusual flood of comments on particular days. The platform claims to be trusted by over 50,000 students in less than three months, a number their online presence and reviews may not necessarily substantiate.

Intriguing as these numbers might seem, let's delve into the true prowess of EssayWriter and its acclaimed essay-writing tool, discussing its value proposition, operation, credibility, pricing, and more.

The Free Essay Writing Claim

The 'Game-Changer' in Essay Writing

AI-driven software EssayWriter has been widely lauded in many quarters as a game-changer in academic writing. Nonetheless, this moniker does not mean it was the first service to offer AI tools oriented toward this niche. Competitors like Cactus AI had already made similar strides in the field before EssayWriter's entrance.

The platform offers both an AI-assisted essay writing tool and customary custom writing. While the tool works quite effectively on the first examination, using it may involve expenses for what still ends up being user-operated work. The same somewhat applies to human writers—leading to a paradox: paying to, well, ultimately write your paper.

The Law of Matter and Antimatter

Leveraging EssayWriter is like playing with the laws of matter and antimatter. Submit an AI-composed essay, and you risk being detected and penalized for delegating your work to a bot. However, using the tool for drafts, which you'll have to rewrite substantially, leaves you paying for an essay you end up crafting on your own.

Human Writers and Customer Service

A peek at its website and live chat reveals its customer service team consists of not just bots but real people. Here, you might encounter Ethan, a service rep known to provide responses and assistance effectively. The human writers, however, can raise some questions.

Six writers are publicly available, and they're positioned as 'premium'. According to Ethan, these are just six of hundreds. Yet, the lack of clarity around their 'premium' status, combined with extra charges for their services, raises concerns about their true quality.

Human vs AI: A Comparative Case

We ran two tests—human and AI—and we have to admit, in certain regards, the AI tool outperformed human writers. Nonetheless, it's premature to make absolute deductions about AI replacing essay writers. Let's not jump the gun on the verdict until we cover the intricacies of our tests.

A Comment on Quality

While AI-crafted papers from EssayWriter are impressively unique, they can be generic and likely to be flagged by AI detectors. Conversely, human-crafted papers often need considerable revision.

When tested with an essay on "The Concept of Fear of Death," the human-crafted paper failed to follow instructions and required substantial rewrites. Meanwhile, the AI-crafted paper, while unique, lacked a natural flow and cohesiveness, and thus also needed rewriting to ensure it wouldn't be flagged by AI detectors.

Deadlines, Promptness, and Reliability

Theoretically, both human and AI services can deliver papers within an hour (at a premium cost for human writers). However, availability can pose a problem. Longer papers, like dissertations, can be ordered with a maximum deadline of 30 days. In our case, the paper was delivered on time, but required revisions extended the process by two additional days.

Plagiarism: The Final Verdict

EssayWriter claims that all papers—AI or human—are 100% plagiarism-free. However, our tests showed different results. While the AI-crafted paper was unique, it was flagged by AI detectors, spelling doom for any student who would submit such a paper. Conversely, the human-crafted paper, though delivered as promised, contained 15-19% plagiarized content.


Wrapping up this in-depth examination, while EssayWriter offers an attractive proposition with a blend of AI and human writing services, it falls short both in terms of quality and value for money.

Relying on EssayWriter for crucial essay writing tasks may not yield the desired results, especially considering the cost and quality of the service and the risk of producing a potentially plagiarized piece.

In the context of legality and confidentiality, the service remains trustworthy. However, in terms of quality writing and accounting for pressing deadlines, its reliability fades. Therefore, before choosing EssayWriter, we invite you to reflect on these insights and consider alternative, more reliable writing solutions.

Given the information we've presented, it is safe to say, that we do not recommend EssayWriter for your essay-writing needs.