9 Tips to Make Your Business Data More Reliable

Business organizations and databases are inseparable concepts. Databases are any possible information about the company, products, and services. Business people use data to manage their customers, employees, partners, offer personalized services, manage marketing campaigns, and successfully run a company.

Correct data allows entrepreneurs to store and analyze the essential information about products, services, and sales to respond to rapidly changing market conditions adequately. The more accurate data you have, the more successful business entities you will have. So, how to make your business data more reliable? Let's have a look at some practical steps detailed here below:

1. A Sharp Improvement in Data Infrastructure

To make your business data more reliable and protect it from falling into the wrong hands, all companies must invest in improving data infrastructure. This includes utilizing a secure data center for storage and management. In simple words, data infrastructure combines a set of tools, apps, software, web spaces companies use for data storage and management.

All companies need to make their employees aware of using different data management software. 36% of all business people agree that data literacy is essential to future proof their organization. So, a company must do the following-

  • Use an all in one CRM and centralize all your business data in one place;
  • Integrate different apps you use for business marketing and promotion; for instance, Strivacity's CIAM platform allows for seamless integration, improving both security and user experience.
  • Educate your team about data literacy and management;
  • Organize and segment data from time to time for or smooth business operation;
  • It would be best if you had a clear policy about data collection and its use;

2. The Proper Knowledge of Data Source

All companies and business organizations must know the data source without fail. Inaccuracy in data doesn't happen all of a sudden. There is always a source from where you get your business data almost every day. So you need to keep a close eye on where your data is coming from.

How are employees working with your organization adding data to the company CRM system? Are you getting inaccurate data after manual Imports or through digital forms? All different teams working with your company adding additional data to the company CRM that doesn't match each other? Find an answer to all these questions to ensure the accuracy of your business data.

3. Careful Optimization of Forms And Data Collection Channels

Once you identify the data collection source, optimize forms and data collection channels as soon as possible. To collect decorate and verifiable data, take the following steps-

  • Only responsible professionals should be involved in data collection practices,
  • Collect the data regularly in a standard format that is applicable in all apps used for business operation,
  • You have explicit permission to access the data as per data protection regulations and
  • You should store and organize data in the right app for the proper purpose.  

4. Use Data Warehouse

Most companies often face a problem—they accumulate a tremendous amount of information that is never used. Professionals distribute all this data over networks of personal computers and store it on mainframes, workstations, and servers. Data warehousing combines corporate data scattered across online data processing systems, historical archives, and other external sources. It helps streamline access and utilization of this data.

Additionally, the importance of off-site data storage cannot be overstated; securing your business data off-site with the help of specialized professionals like the ones from Corodata ensures that critical information is protected and remains accessible even during on-site disruptions. This can help to:

  • Clarify the differences in data characteristics in operational and analytical systems,
  • Determine the requirements for data placed in storage,
  • Determine the general principles and stages of data construction,
  • Provide recommendations for solving potential problems during unloading, cleaning, matching, transportation, and loading into the target storage database.

5. Data Segmentation

In simple words, data segmentation is the process of identifying and organizing data clusters into specific categories or groups. Marketing professionals often use this technique for particular segments of the population to increase sales. One of the fundamental aspects of the market research process is collecting data about potential customers. Potential buyers of the company's products or services are determined using demographic and lifestyle factors. It is these factors or variables that are used to divide these buyers into separate target market segments. In this stage, you may need to use Airtable to ensure efficient organization and analysis of the gathered data.

An essential component of data segmentation is identifying customers who are likely to be the most profitable. In a competitive market, advertising to a mass audience in the hope of generating revenue and market share is probably not enough. A firm is in a better position to compete when the needs and desires of different consumer market segments are understood.  

6. Eliminate Outdated Data

Data cleaning is the process of deleting outdated data and protecting correct data. From time to time, companies clean unnecessary data. It's also essential to train your employees on the various data analysis methodologies and tools available for effective data management.

Investing in online data analysis training can significantly improve their skills and efficiency, making sure they're equipped to handle data accurately and leverage it for driving business decisions. Advanced courses are available that cover SQL, Power BI, Tableau, Excel, and more, ensuring your team stays up-to-date with the latest techniques in managing and interpreting data.

So, data cleaning is essential for the efficiency of any data-driven business. It aims to ensure the availability of clean data for different business operations. When two data systems need to work together, data cleaning becomes mandatory. For example- If a company has two branches that work with many of the same customers, not only must the data in each department be complete and accurate, but the two branches must also have relevant data.

When a customer updates their phone number in one unit, the data in the other branch should be updated with the same information to ensure maximum efficiency. Data clearing works to make sure that the data is accurate and that it is consistent across different records. This process aims to minimize errors and make the data as valuable and meaningful as possible. Suppose there is no data cleaning, mistakes in business operations become common. It results in less efficient operation and additional complications.

7. Apps Integration

Most companies have more than six different information systems in their IT infrastructure. Unfortunately, using several methods leads to difficulties in transferring information between them: slowing down work processes, high costs for preparing reports, and challenges with data synchronization.

Enterprise application integration combines business applications within a single organization to simplify and automate business processes as much as possible. You can use applications using either an API or a GUI. The goal of integration is to provide efficient, reliable, and secure data exchange between various software products that were not initially designed for collaboration.

8. A Common Dashboard For All Employees

For security reasons, most companies don't share unified dashboards with employees. It results in the creation of duplicate or inaccurate data. To solve this problem, companies must use a standard dashboard for all employees. It helps ensure transparency in daily business activities. Allow only trustworthy and reliable individuals to access the traditional dashboard and instruct them to accumulate and manage correct data.

9. Regular Maintenance of Collected Data

Most companies store data and forget about its maintenance. If you don't manage the collected data, they may become obsolete. Therefore, you must schedule the regular maintenance of collected data. It helps eliminate used or outdated data and accumulate new data for further use.

Concluding Remarks

The accuracy of data is essential for all data-driven business organizations. But with time, stored data may become outdated. That is why professionals must follow these steps to eliminate inaccurate data and ensure the reliability of available data. To make your data more reliable you should always know your target audience and their search preferences, whether its "digital marketing tools, online grocery shopping or ethereum price".